Page:History of California (Bancroft) volume 6.djvu/75

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Coi., MS.

of secondary consideration. Some started without a dollar, or with insufficient supplies and covering, often to suffer severely in reaching the ground; but once there they expected quickly to fill their pockets with what would buy the services of their masters, and ob- tain for them abundance to eat. Many were fed while on the way as by the ravens of Midas ; for there were few in California then or since who would see a fellow- being starve. But if blankets and provisions were neglected, none overlooked the all-important shovel, the price for which jumped from one dollar to six, ten, or even more," and stores were rummaged for pick- axes, hoes, bottles, vials, snuff-boxes, and brass tubes, the latter for holding the prospective treasure. ^^

Through June the excitement continued, after which there were few left to be excited. Indeed, by the middle of this month the abandonment of San Francisco was complete; that is to say, three fourths of the male population had gone to the mines. It was as if an epidemic had swept the little town so lately bustling with business, or as if it was always early morning there. Since the presence of United States forces San Francisco had put on pretensions, and scores of buildings had been started. " But now," complains the Star, the 27th of May, "stores are closed and places of business vacated, a large number of houses tenantless, various kinds oY mechanical labor suspended or given up entirely, and nowhere the

Eleasant hum of industry salutes the ear as of late ; ut as if a curse had arrested our onward course of enterprise, everything wears a desolate and sombre look, everywhere all is dull, monotonous, dead."^^

^^ *I am informed $50 has been offered for one, ' writes Larkin ou June Ist.

^ 'Earthen jars and even barrels have been put in requisition,' observes the CcUi/omittn of Aus. 5th.

  • 'The following advertisement appears in this issue: *The highest mar- *

ket price will be paid for gold, either cash or merchandise, by Melius & How- ard, Montgomery street. ' Again, by the same firm goods were offered for •ale *for cash, hides and tallow, or placera ^old.' Cnl. Star^ May 27, 1848. Of quite a different character was another notice in the same issue. * Pay up before you go— everybody knows where,' the editor cries. 'Papers can l^e forwaided to Sattar's Fort with all regularity. But pay the prvutAt, \1 ^oxk