Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/390

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W^^^mmammmmsa^mmmim^m^ 360 LAWS. This is a statement of the utmost consequence. It should be thought of. constantly, and acted out always till knowledge is added to knowledge ; each sentence more pregnant of meaning than each last; branch should spring from branch, and bud increase on bud, till, when you hear words hard to bear, you will resemble Boo Yi when accused of stealing the silver, and Bo Yen when charged with designs on the revenue; who continued faithfiil to their post, even though charges were made against them by the hundred cart load. The bird wounded by an arrow afterwards fears every crooked stick ; and the ox who has suffered from the sun will bellow when the moon appeara" Here we stop the Corean moraliser while proving the difficulty of distinguishing the true from the false, and only wish that all men "calling themselves Christians" had as much real knowledge ; and were ready to cultivate the same forbearance.