Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/396

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366 QOYERNMENT. of the actual government of the country, and administration of the laws, in their hands, — are yet too powerful for a king of ordinary stamina. In aiicient times they were, indeed, absolute lords of their cities, like the barons of England. Tet though fewer in number, and shorn of much of their ancient power, they, or a clique of them, can usually dictate to the king. The present dynasty was founded by a man sumamed Li, by the murder of his sovereign, as appears in its proper place in the history (p. 269). He was Taidsoo, or founder. The following is a complete list of the dynasty up to the present : — Atoended Throne. Taidsoo Kanghien, Great King, ... a.d. 1392 DingdsooDg Goongching „ (2d son) - - 1898 TaidBOong Goongding „ (5t]i son of Taidsoo) 1400 Shudsoong Gwangdua „ (8d son of last) - 1418 Wundfioong Goongshwun „ (eldest son of last) 1450 Dwandsoong Goongyi „ (son of last) - 1452 Shadsoo Whijwang „ (son of Shudsoong) 1455 Duadsoong Hwajun „ (eldest son of last) 1468 Tooidsoong Hiangdao „ (son of Shudsoo) 1468 Ohungdsoong Eangjing „ (son of Doadsoong) 1469 Lord Yenshan ^ - - - (eldest son of last) 1494 Joongdsoong Goongsi , , (2d son of Ohungdsoong) 1 506 Tindsoong Yoongjing „ (eldest son of last) 1544 Mingdsoong Goonghien „ (sonof Joongdsoong) 1545 Haendsoo Jaojing f „ (Hochung Prince) 1567 LordGwanghail „ (3d son of last) 1608 Yuendsoong Groonghiang „ (6th son of Uuendsoo) 1623 Yindsoo Hienwun „ (eldest son of last) 1623 Uiaodaoo Hienwnn „ (2d son of last) 1649 Hiendsoong Janghiao „ (son of last) 1659 Sodsoong Yuenhiao „ (son of last) 1674 Gingdsoong Hiienhiao „ (eldest son of last^ 1720

  • He was "baniahed" to Gaotoong, after 11 yean' roign; hence he Is styled

" Lord,*' not king; the former being the title of kings' sons, not their sacoessora. fSon of Mingdsoong shoidd have succeeded, bnt the Prince of Hochung became king instead. It cannot hare been a revolution, yet his name is not among tiie royal line;— perhaps he was royal by female sideii Z Was banished after fourteen years' reign. Had Daugk- Sent, ten. Died 15 8 74 15 8 63 12 17 56 18 4 54 1 2 39 — — 17 4 1 52 2 1 20 2 1 20 16 11 38 9 11 57 — — 31 1 — 34 14 11 57 3

46 6 1 55 1 6 41 1 3 34 6

60 37