Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/436

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404 GEOGBAPHt. Hwi owo, present (riangling ; the Lintwtin Kun of the Han period. Mai owOy present Chwunchwen ; the Niwshowchow of Sinlo. 8uu owe, present Sanju ; the Sijiichow of Sinlo. BBiYOOEy, present Tooenchow*; the Beiyooen Siaojing of Sinla Taipuno owe, present Tiojooen; at first the Ooongyi barbarians lived here; Gaoli called it Doongchow. GnroANO bhan, 167 11 east of Hwaiyang ; also called Gisooo and Funotoos. It has 1200 peaks. Hanbi SHAN, 50 11 east of Linti. On this mountain are ziTers which come down like snow for several hundred feet (cataracts). WooTAi SHAK, 140 li west of Giangling, with five great peaks forming a ctrde. Taibo or Taibai bhan, 120 li west of Saojo. On it is a pool of jeUow (minoral ?) water. Sinlo named it JuTa TiKLlNO, 39 11 north of Whaijrang. Daowan lino, 45 li west of Giangling. This chain winds out and in 99 times. Jaotano gang, 5 li north of Chwunchwen ; rising in JDiaii and Tooiko IdenM. YHL-HAMGIANG DO-24 Cities with Magistrates. Ifrfff*^ xraiM. ^.^ IHlamt from OitpiUd inli. Modem ilTine. JneimUNamB. ffOtl^ OaptM imU. MooeUy Gichow Foodtiu Hienhing Yoonffbing Gingcnung Ching^ooen Whinmg BsoongKinng Wuncnung Chin^hing Foonmg Belching Buayooen Dingping Gichung Hienchow Liyang Juchung Giaohow Aoshan Chowchow Janchung Whaichung Fooytt Chingchow Yijow Joongshan 395 770 680 1600 2195 1940 2040 2110 2310 1690 1010 560 720 Foo eUiet—con, Nanbien Sanshwi Dwanchwun Mingchwen Giasnan Changgin KuncUieM Wunchwen Gaoyuen HiencUieM Hoongsien Liyouen Sanshan Sangiang Foochow Minsyooen Wunchow Shangchow Hoongsien Gwanchung 1860 620 1366 1215 1465 1275 1526 690 630 920 1115 DooNO WoJOO, iHresent Beidao, east of Gaimashan; on the north-east it touched on Sooshan, afterwards Bohai and Nttjun territory. (See history above.) HuENToo KwuN, present Mienhing. Baitow bhan, west of Hwining foo, the border of Kt^un.! There are three ranges of mountains, each higher than the last^ From the foot of the first to the top of the third there is a height of 200 U. Embosomed in the top of the mountain, is a lake 800 li in circumference, (a f. Manchoo history.) Changbai bhan, west of Gingchung. MoTWUN lino (Touch-doud mountain), 37 li south of Dwanchwen. MoTiBN lino (Touch-heaven mountain), 66 li east of da LooNOHiNO GANG, 2 U north-east from Yoonghing; anciently called HmrOKiAHO. The reigning house of Corea sprang hence; therefore the name, "Bise of the Dragon. DoouANGANG (Tumun), 25 li east of Chingyooen, springing from Taihaiahaa TKB KNIX