Page:History of Donald and his dog.pdf/14

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Oh poor Lucy Neal &c.
One day I got a letter
And jet black was the seal;
It was de'nounement ob de death
Ob my poor Lucy Neal.
Oh my poor Lucy Neal, &c.

Dey bore her from my bosom,
But de wound dey eannot heal;
And my heart, my heart is breaking,
For I lub'd sweet Lucy Neal.
Oh, yes, when I am dying,
And dark visions round me steal,
De last low murmur ob dis life
Shall be sweet Lucy Neal.
Oh, poor Luey Neal, &e,


I cum to town de oder night,
I heard a noise and seed a sight
De folks were all running roun,
Crying ole Dan Tucker's come to town.
Den get out ob de way,
Get out ob de way,
Get out ob de way ole Dan Tucker,
You're too late to come to supper.

We are de boys from ole Virginni,
And take de shine from Paganinni,
Wid our ole banjo and jaw-bone,
Ve drive all oder musie home.
He war one ob de real ole stock,

And wid his head could split a hose block.