Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/11

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CONTENTS. vit PAGE Panic at the French Court, caused by distrust of Eliza- beth . . oi^-tr .-if-jCt<j uopjfix. <ii^:.i II3 Letter of Cecil to Coligny . . . . . . 114 The Queen of Scots at Sheffield jA I -' . . rf V.~ 115 Execution of the Earl of Northumberland 1 18 CHAPTER LVIII. THE MASSACRE OF ST BARTHOLOMEW. Catholic Reaction in Europe . . . . . . 120 Parallel growth of Calvinism .. ^1'v .. 121 Fanaticism in Paris . . . . . . . . 123 The Relations of the French Court towards the Hugue- nots contingent on the conduct of Elizabeth . . 125 Marriage of the Princess Margaret with the King of Navarre . . . . . . n j iu .v . . 126 Catherine de Medici determines to abandon the Hu- guenots . . . . . . . . ..127 Attempt to kill Coligny .. .. MWUwi* ,n,.v I2 g Catherine works upon the King's terrors .. [n; ^i. 130 Conspiracy to murder the Huguenot Leaders :r '. ; . 132 The Massacre of St Bartholomew : . . . V'. 135 The Causes of it .. .. .. .. 140 Delight in Rome . . . . . . . . 141 Effect in England . . . . . . 145 Danger of the Queen of Scots . . . . . . 146 Elizabeth prepares for War . . . . 149 La Mothe Feiielon admitted to an Audience . . 151 Attempted Excuses of the French Court . . . . 155 Alva makes fresh Approaches to England . . . . 156 Elizabeth resolves to accept his Advances . . . . 161 Rage of the Catholic Refugees . . . . . 162 The English Volunteers are recalled from. Zealand ! 64