Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/15

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CONTENTS. xi PAGE Battle of Mook Heath .. ^i/icfo M h iljiv, 337 Melancholy Letter from the Prince of Orange [- )IWi , 338 State of Parties in England . . . . ' . . 340 Philip II. refuses an Asylum to English Catholic Refugees 342 Elizabeth promises to reconsider her Secession from the Church . ^ . . . . u<tk> : 344 Burning of Anabaptists in England . . . . 346 Story of Edward Woodshawe . . . . . . 347 Siege of Ley den .. .. .. ndo' 35 1 Sir Henry Cobham's Mission to Spain . . . . 351 Debate in the Spanish Cabinet . . . . . . 353 Philip's answer to Cobham . . . . 356 Position of the States .. .. .. ' 359 Perplexity of the English Council. . . . . . 361 Champagny's Mission . . . . . . mlol 362 Wentworth's Speech in Parliament . . >biii 364 Death of Requescens . . . . . . . . 365 Treatment of St Aldegonde by Elizabeth . . . . 366 Her anger with the Prince of Orange . . . . 367 She meditates a change of Policy . . . . . . 368 Castelnau de Mauvissiere sent to England . . . . 370 Duke of Alengon a Suitor to Elizabeth . . . . 372 He joins La None and the Huguenots . . . . 373 Unsatisfactory Peace signed at Paris with the Protestants 377 The Catholics disregard it . . . . . . 379 Ravages of Spanish Mutineers in the States . . . . 382 The Seventeen Provinces unite against Spain in the Treaty of Ghent . . . . . . . . 383 Arrival of Don John of Austria . . . . . . 383 Mission of M. Schwegenhem to Elizabeth . . . . 384 She refuses to assist the Protestants . . . . 385 Effects of her Work . . . . . . . 388 Sir John Smith sent to Madrid .' .' . . . . 389 His Interview with Archbishop Quiroga . . . . 391 Liberty enjoyed by Mary Queen of Scots . . . . 396 Margaret, Countess of Lennox . . , , . . 398