Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/164

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144 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 58. The Queen intimated that if the King of France would repeat the same promises in a letter under his own hand to herself, she would consider his proposal. For the present she would help the Prince of Orange underhand with men and money, but she could not ven- ture into open war single-handed. 1 With this answer de la Mole took his leave, intending to return home at, once and persuade Alencon to pay Elizabeth a visit. La Mothe went with him to London, where they met the news of the massacre, and found the city filled with panic-stricken Huguenots, who had crossed the Channel in open boats. The French alliance had been the work of states- men, and had never been liked by the English people. They had submitted to it as a necessity, but with a bad grace, and with no expectation that good would come of it. In an instant, with the shock of irresistible con- viction, the belief spread that the treaty, the suit of Alen9on, the marriage of the Princess Margaret, the affected anxiety of Charles to interfere in the Nether- lands, were all parts of a conspiracy to throw the todas ellas le decia que con toda in- stancia dixese y hiciese con la Reyna qua rompiese con su Mag d Catolica, pues habia tan urgentes razones y causas para ello, vistas las diferencias que entre arabos habia, no perdiendo tau buena conjunction de tiempo, y que babiendolo asi, se moverian con ello causas liatas para que el biciese lo mismo publicamente, y para que supiese su buen animo y voluutad que para esto tenia, en rompiendo ella dentro de quince dias le daria luego 200 mil ducados. Mostrandole siempre el Mot a la Reyna las pro- prias cartas que el Rey le escribia.' Antonio de Fogacja a Ruy Gomez. Londres, Setiembre 8, 1572: MSS. Simancas. 1 Antonio de Fogaqa a Ruy Gomez. Londres, Setiembre 8, 1572: MSS. Simancas.