Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/169

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1572.] THE MASSACRE OF ST BARTHOLOMEW. 149 Believing the extremity to be really come, she al- lowed 8000 men to be raised and armed with precipitate haste, and transports to be provided to carry them to Flushing. The musters were called out; the fleet at Portsmouth was ordered into the Downs to hold the Channel; and Sir John Hawkins, with twenty ships, equipped with Philip's money, and manned in part with the crews whom he had duped Philip into releasing from the Seville dungeons, sailed for the Azores to lie in wait for the Mexican gold fleet. 1 So desperate was the English Government at that moment, so determined to use any means to harass and embarrass the Catholic Powers, that cannon and muskets were sent to the Medi- terranean for the Corsairs of Barbary ; 2 whilst to make all sure at home, the Prince of Orange was told that if he could plunge down upon Louvain, seize the English refugees and send them home, he could not demand a price which Elizabeth would refuse to pay for them. 3 wrote to Burghley, ' presuming of your wonted favours I will desper- ately enter into the matter. I do know that her Majesty and my Lords of the council are many times enforced to pretend that they no- thing desire. Wherefore what letter soever shall be sent me from my Lords of the council for revoking of me home, I will think them but for form, except your Honour do write me your private letters to return.' Gilbert to Cecil, September 7 : MSS. Flanders. 1 Antonio de Foga9a to Ruy Go- mez, September 8, and September 16; Antonio de Guaras to Alva, August 30, September 5, and Sep- tember 18: MSS. Siinancas. 2 ' Que se habia dado licencia para llevar por mercaderia a Ber- veria, artilleria de hierro colado y arcabuzes, y que se llevaria quanti- dad.' Philip, who had borne with equanimity the more serious inform- ation, wrote opposite to this para- graph ' ojo ' ! ! 3 ' La causa por que Gresham mas va de procurar es de que si en los lugares que al dicho Orange se han rendido hubiese hallado en ellos a la dicha Condesa de Northumber-