Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/179

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1 5 72. ] THE MASS A CRE OF ST BAR THOL OME W. 159 were November. suspended, that Gresham's departure had been counter- ordered, that money had been sent to the Prince, but less than was originally intended ; and that the Government was watching only to see what became of his enterprise. If he failed this time, England would leave him to his fate, and accept the friendship which Alva was so unexpectedly offering. 1 The Spanish Government left no stone un- turned to encourage the yielding humour. Submitting to the opinion of Alva, Philip himself sued to the Queen for a reconciliation, in terms which to the jealousy of the French ambassador appeared beneath the dignity of so great a Prince. 2 The Duke, referring with gracious irony to St Bartholomew, observed that she had gained little by exchanging the friendship of Spain for that of France. The promoters of the Blood Council affected horror at the massacre at Paris, and 1 ' Considerando lo que hapasado en Francia todos a una mano tratan de la amistad de la casa de Borgona ; y tenga V a Excellencia por cierto que estan la Reyna y su consejo como rendidos, y que desean la amis- tad mas que jamas. Aqui tenian seis naos y ocho mill hombres prestos levantados en la costa, para si el de Orange prevalesceria como he es- cripto, y en lugar del dicho Gresham enviaron en dinero con correos pasa- das de 20 mill libras para que el de Orange como se dice por falta del dinero no dexase de executar, pero de presente estan rendidos como digo.' De Guaras to Alva, October 6 : MSS. Simancas. 2 ' Le Roy d'Espaigne luy a escript une lettre fort pleyne d' affec- tion et d'offres, et d'une quasi soub- mission, qui semble ne convenir gueres, uy a la grandeur d'un tel prince, ni a la recordation des injures qu'il a re^ue. Tant y a qu'en la dicte lettre apres beaucoup de belles et bonnes paroles il insiste au re- nouvellement des anciens traictes et de 1'ancienne confederation d'entre ceste couronne et la mayson de Bourgoigne et qu'il est prest de la confirmer et la jurer de nouveau.' La Mothe Fe"nelon to the King, November 15 : Dtpeches, vol. v.