Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/233

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1573-1 THE MASSACRE OF ST BARTHOLOMEW. 213 His companions remained in confinement at Holy- rood in Morton's sole charge. The English guns were reshipped ; the shot were gathered up again ; a bawbee being paid for every bullet which was brought in. 1 Sir Wm Drury led back his troops to Berwick, and Killigrew carried to London an intimation that Morton was ready now to undertake the dispatch of Mary Stuart. 2 Mr Thomas Cecil, after his lesson in the wars, went back to the great house at Burghley ; 3 and ' religion ' 1 Drury to Burghley, June 5 : MSS. Scotland. 2 ' I shall bring with me some articles touching the League, and I hope somewhat touching the great matter whereof I thought good to forewarn your Honour.' Killigrew to Burghley, June 26. ' I have thought good to put in memory how the ground of the trouble yet remains in her Majesty's hands and power, whereunto I doubt not but her Highness will put order when she finds time ; and thereanent I must leave to be further curious till I receive knowledge of her Ma- jesty's pleasure.' On the margin opposite this pas- sage there stands, in Burghley 's hand, ' The removing of tbe Bosom Serpent.' Morton to Burghley, June 26 : MSS. Scotland. 3 A fact memorable only as hav- ing furnished occasion for the Stew- ard there to write a letter to Lord Burghley, in which we catch a glimpse worth observing of old Mrs Cecil: 'My duty to your Honour, Yes- ternight, about three of the clock, Mr Thomas Cecil came home well and merry, God be thanked ; and ray Mistress, your mother, was come to Burghley two hours before him. The gown that you would make it must be for every clay ; and yet be- cause it comes from you, except you write her to the contrary, she will make it her holiday gown, whereof she hath great store already, both of silk and cloth. But I think, Sir, it you make her one of cloth with some velvet upon it, with your letters to desire her for your sake to wear it daily, she would accustom herself with it, so as she would forget to go any longer in such base apparel as she hath used to have a delight in, which is too mean for one of a lower state than she is of. She likes well of all things as yet ; but for that there is not one that is in the minis- try to do service daily there, which she much desires, that she may serve God twice a day ; you may have at your pleasure from Cambridge some