Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 10.djvu/261

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STATE OF IRELAND. 2 4 t July. followed everywhere, and is described in a letter to Sir H. Sidney, from 'the Suffreyn and Citizens of Kilmal- loch.' Fitzmaurice came under their walls, required them to surrender, and threatened to kill them if they refused. He levied a sum of money on them, he exacted an oath from them that 'they would use none other divine service but the old divine service of the Church of Home ; ' he made them ' pro- mise to find him and his host in victuals for their money/ as often as they should come thither, and re- gard him as Desmond's representative until the Queen sent his brother back to them. 1 English settlers were swept away wherever they had established themselves. Fitzmaurice desired to cool the ardour of the intending colonists, and showed no mercy ' either to them or to their friends.' 2 By the middle of the summer he came with his guns and some thousands of his ragged war- riors to Cork, and he sent a demand to the Mayor, ' to abolish out of the city all Huguenot heretics,' especially Lady Grenville and her family, and to unite with him in purging the churches of all traces of their presence. 3 1 The Suffreyn and his brethren of Kilmalloch to the Lord Deputy, July 3 : MSS. Ireland. 2 ' They torment her Highness' s true subjects whom they understand to be furtherers of civility with more cruel pains than either Phalaris or any of the old tyrants could invent.' The Mayor of Waterford to Cecil, July 8 : MSS. Ireland. 3 The letter is curious and not discreditable to Fitzmaurice. VOL. x. ' Mr Mayor, I commend me unto you ; and whereas the Queen's Majesty is not contented to dispose all our woi'ldly goods, our bodies, and our lives as she list, but must also compel us to forego the Catholic faith by God unto his Church given, and by the See of Rome hitherto pre- scribed to all Christian men to be observed, and use another newly in- vented kind of religion, which for my part, rather than I would obef 16