Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/275

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1582.] THE JESUITS IN SCOTLAND. 259 was still in Northumberland, and through Angus with the old English party. Money was sent down. Lord Henry Howard 1 discovered that as much as three thousand pounds had been delivered to Angus in Au- . . August. gust. One of those dangerous associations, so common in Scotland, was formed either to kill Lennox or force him out of the country, and Lennox believed that a large reward had been offered to any one who would stab or poison him. 2 Familiarity with perils of this kind rendered the native-born Scot indifferent to them ; but Lennox had been bred where he at least had been in no such danger. He now imagined that a thousand poniards were aimed at his heart. He dared not stir from his apartments unless surrounded by guards whose bodies would inter- cept a pistol-shot. 3 No actual effort was made to kill him, nor was there need of any, for the mere menace of H sufficed to kill his reputation, and convinced his friends and convinced himself that he was unequal to ' Lord Henry Howard was the brother of the Duke of Norfolk, and possessed with a passionate hope of revenging the wrongs of his house. He was more useful than even Sir James Crofts to Mendoza, who in many letters mentions his services, and recommends Philip to reward him. The House of Howard, Men- doza says, meant the English aris- tocracy, and Lord Henry meant the House of Howard. Elizabeth treated him -with exceptional confidence, and he used his advantage to com- municate State secrets to Mendoza twice in every week. "Walsingham and Burghley both guessed that he was treacherous, but, true to her general endeavour to overcome dis- loyalty by trusting it, Elizabeth could not be persuaded to send him from the Court. 8 Mendoza to Philip, August 14, 1582 : MSS. Simancas. 3 ' No sale jamas de su aposento que no sea arodeado de gente, por- que si le quieren tirar arcabucaqo no pase sin herir primero & otro.' Don Bernardino al Key, 12 Julio: MSS. Simancas.