Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/307

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1582.] THE JESUITS IN SCOTLAND. 291 possible, a public Act acquitting her of the Kirk o' Field murder. Again, and it was a curious instance of Mary Stuart's revengeful memory, a charge had been given him to procure the execution of Ker of Faldonside, who had held a pistol at her breast when Rizzio was as- sassinated, and of George Douglas, who had stabbed him with Darnley's dagger. 1 It was possible that Lennox might be ruled by La Mothe, and be no longer dangerous. The Lorraine marriage might be an improvement on the contemplated match with Spain. If Man 1 - Stuart was to be restored, Elizabeth's own policy had been always to throw a veil over the Darnley tragedy. But the tone of these pur- poses, as they were discovered by other means, did not harmonize with La Mothe' s language to Elizabeth. Without proving that he had been playing false, they suggested unpleasant suspicions, and the Queen could not tell whether she would let him proceed to Scotland or not. The council sat upon it from morning till night without coming to a resolution. 2 Elizabeth said 1 ' Aura soing de faire par tous moyens verifier 1' innocence de la dicte Royne sa mere pour la calom- nie que luy a este imposes touchant le meurtre du feu Roy son mari. II fera justice exemplaire de ceulx qui ont autrefois attempte a la personne d'icelle Royne comme Andrew Kerr de Faldonside, et George Douglas, lesquelz demeurent hors de toute abolition generale ou pardon par- ticulier a Padvenir.' Articles pre- sented by La Mothe, January 20, 1582-3: MSS. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. 2 ' Se juntaron,' says Mendoza, as if it were a fact of great import- ance, ' se juntaron los de su consejo, estando en el desde la manana a la noche.' Philip, remembering his English experiences, wrote on the margin, ' No es mucho, porque comen alii muchas veces y estan en conversacion. ' Don Bernardino al Key, 1 6 Deciembre, 1582: MSS. Si-