Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/368

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352 REIGN OF ELIZABETH. [CH. 66. would unite for the subversion of the Low Countries, and the overthrow of religion. Monsieur would marry the King of Spain's daughter, and then would come no- thing else but what he had long looked for.' l But the thing which Elizabeth considered policy very soon resumed its place with her, and her anger turned from Alen9on to the States. Antwerp and Bruges, in anticipation of her changed humour, had thrown themselves at once prostrate before her, depre- cating her displeasure. She refused to hear them, and insisted that the Duke should be recalled. She blamed Norris, who had been in Antwerp at the attack, for the miseries of Alencon's retreat. She said that he ought to have protected her dearest friend, and she ordered him either to place himself at Alencon's disposition, or instantly to leave the States. Norris pleaded that he had taken no part against Monsieur. When he heard the French cry, ' Vive la messe/ and ' Kill the heretics,' he had simply looked to the safety of his own people, as he conceived himself to have been bound to do. He would obey her Majesty's pleasure if she persisted ; but he said plainly, that in obeying, ' he would cause that to follow which her Majesty would not like of; the people were in that humour they would undoubtedly treat with the Spaniards.' 2 The Prince wrote to ask whether, if France made war on the States in revenge for the slaughter, Elizabeth would stand by them ? She 1 Walsingham to Cobham, Jan- uary 17 27: MSS,. France. 2 Norris to Walsingham, Feb- ruary 313, February 8 18 : MSS. Holland.