Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 11.djvu/457

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1584.] EXPULSION OF MENDOZA. 441 Scotland, there could be no question. The forms were hurried over, and execution instantly followed. Angus and Mar were proclaimed traitors, and their estates confiscated. The forfeiture of lands followed the sen- tences ; Lady Gowrie and her children were turned adrift to starve ; and the vast inheritances of the Douglases, the Erskines, and the Ruthvens were divided between Arran, who was already gorged with plunder, and the young Duke of Lennox, whom James had sent for from France. 1 Lindsay only now remained of the three. On that wild evening, when Mary Stuart was brought in a prisoner from the field at Carberry, she swore to Lind- say that she would one day have his head, and oaths of this kind she was not apt to leave unfulfilled. Now that he was in James's power, she required peremptorily that his treatment of her should not be forgotten ; and James, eager to atone for his refusal of the association by the sacrifice of an enemy of his own, promised that not Lindsay only but every one of the confederates that lie could catch should receive exemplary chastisement. 2 So good an intention was not to be allowed to cool. She sent her son a present of a sword. She bade him go forward boldly, and above all not spare Lindsay. 3 1 Davison to Walsingham, May | tout resolu d'en faire punition ex- cmplairc; coinme j'espere de ses semblablcs, sans qu'il m'cn eschappc mi seul de ceulx que je pourray attrapcr.' The King of Scots to Mary Stuart, July 23. Decipher: 1 1 : MSS. Scotland. 2 ' Sans aultre recommandation de vostre part, la syiftpatliie et con- formite de noz complexions avcc le sentiment que j'ay dcs injures et tia- hisons commises a 1'endroit de vous par My Lord Lindsay, m'avoit ya MSS. Scotland. Pour Lindsay le Roy obeira a