Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 3.djvu/10

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The Parish Church at Woodstock 51
The Minstrel of Winandermere 52
The Abbots of Stratford and Woburn 57
Discussions on the Sacraments 59
The Bishop's Book 60
State of the Navy 63
Piracy in the Channel 63
Interruption of Commerce 66
Action in Mounts Bay 67
Action in the Downs 68
Survey of the Coasts 70
Erection of Castles and Fortresses 70
Ill-health of the King 72
Birth of the Prince of Wales 73
Death of Jane Seymour 75
Extravagant Rumours 77
Directions for the Management of the Prince 78
Projection of a fresh Marriage 80

England, France, the Empire, and the Lutherans 82
Renewed Advances of Charles to Henry 84
Commission of Sir Thomas Wyatt 84
Negotiation for a Marriage between Henry and the Duchess of Milan 88
Doubts of Charles's Sincerity 91
The Pacification of Nice 94
English Society at Villa Franca 95
State of the Abbeys which had escaped Suppression 97
Voluntary Surrenders 98
Images and Relics 99