Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 3.djvu/17

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Insurrection of Sir John Neville 457
The Countess of Salisbury 457
Lord Dacres of the South 460
Royal Progress into Yorkshire 463
Misconduct of Catherine Howard 466
Debate at the Council 468
Partial Confession of the Queen 468
Night Incident at Pomfret 469
The King's Misadventures in Marriage 470
Trial and Execution of the Queen's Accomplices 474
Meeting of Parliament 474
Speech of the Chancellor 475
Prosecution of the Queen 477
The Queen attainted and executed 480
Catherine Parr 483
Sanctuary Laws 485
Question of Privilege 487
Case of Ferrars 488
Condition of England 491
Prospect of a War with France 492
France, Turkey, and the Empire 493
Misfortunes of the Emperor in Africa 495
Surprise of Marano 497
Parties in the French Court 501
French Debts to England 502
Piracy in the Channel 503
Probability of an Anglo-Imperial Alliance 507
French Repudiation 509
War between France and the Empire 510
The Emperor and the Papacy 512
Failures of the French 515
Defeat of Ferdinand by the Turks 516
Scottish Difficulties 517
Halydon Rigg 518
English Manifesto against Scotland 520