Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 7.djvu/70

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50 REIGA? OF E LIZ ABE 777. [en . 4 1 . dread of the Duke of Guise, believed herself again at leisure to trifle, or to insist on new conditions before she need consent to the recognition. The following letters and abstracts of letters for a moment lift the veil of diplomacy, and reveal the in- ward ambitions, aims, and workings of the different parties : SUMMARY OF A LETTER FROM THE BISHOP OF AQUILA TO THE KING OF SPAIN. 1 March 18. The Bishop of Aquila understanding that Maitland the Secretary of the Queen of Scots desired to speak with him, invited the said Secretary to dinner. The conversation turned chiefly on two points the succes- sion of his mistress to the English crown and her mai riage. On the first Maitland said that with the Queen of England's permission lie had discussed with Cecil the terms on which the Queen of Scots would relinquish her present claim on the English crown, provided the succes- sion was secured to her in the event of the Queen of England's death without children. The conditions he said had been arranged ; and the two Queens were to have met to conclude the agree- ment ; when the death of the Duke of Guise changed all, and he could no longer hope that his mistress's right would ever be admitted. 1 The original letter of de Quadra is not preserved. The translation is from a contemporary abstract.