Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 9.djvu/5

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CONTENTS OF VOLUME IX. CHAPTER LII. ENGLISH PARTIES. Catholic Eeaction in England . . . . . . i Review of the Condition of the Realm by Sir Wm. Cecil 4 Policy Recommended by Cecil to the Queen . . 6 Discontent of the English Aristocracy . . . . 10 Philip adopts unwillingly the cause of the Queen of Scots . . . . . . . . 12 Description of Parties in England by Don Guerau . . 1 6 Conflicting Schemes in favour of Mary Stuart . . 19 Proposed Marriage between Mary Stuart and the Duke of Norfolk . . ..... . . 21 Conversation between Norfolk and Murray . . . . 23 Part of the Council in favour of the Marriage . . 25 Double-dealing of Norfolk . . . . . . 28 Trade opened with Hamburgh . . . . . . 29 English Rovers under the flag of the Prince of Conde 32 The Queen of Scots placed in charge of Lord Shrewsbury 33 Danger of War with France . . . . . . 35 England protected by Spain . . . . . 3 6 Irritation of Elizabeth against Cecil . . 3& Death of the Prince of Conde . . . . -39 Arundel and Norfolk conspire against Cecil . . 4 2 ' Intended Rebellion . . . . . . 43