Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 2.djvu/10

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The Pope and the Order of Jesus opposed to each other; The Order of Jesus 58
Father Petre; The King's Temper and Opinions 65
The King encouraged in bis errors by Sunderland 67
Perfidy of Jeffreys; Godolphin; The Queen 70
Amours of the King; Catherine Sedley 71
Intrigues of Rochester in favour of Catherine Sedley 73
Decline of Rochester's Influence 76
Castelmaine sent to Rome; The Huguenots ill-treated by James 79
The Dispensing Power 82
Dismission of refractory Judges 83
Case of Sir Edward Hales 85
Roman Catholics authorised to hold Ecclesiastical Benefices; Sclater 86
Walker 87
The Deanery of Christchurch given to a Roman Catholic; Disposal of Bishoprics 88
Resolution of James to use his Ecclesiastical Supremacy against the Church 89
His Difficulties 90
He creates a new Court of High Commission 93
Proceedings against the Bishop of London 96
Discontent excited by the Public Display of Roman Catholic Rites and Vestments 97
Riots 99
A Camp formed at Hounslow 101
Samuel Johnson 102
Hugh Speke 103
Proceedings against Johnson 104
Zeal of the Anglican Church against Popery 106
The Roman Catholic Divines overmatched 107
State of Scotland 109
Queensberry; Perth and Melfort 110
Favour shown to the Roman Catholic Religion in Scotland; Riots at Edinburgh 112
Anger of the King 113
His Plans concerning Scotland; Deputation of Scotch Privy Councillors sent to London 114
Their Negotiations with the King 115