Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 4.djvu/15

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Chiefs of the Tory Party; Harley 514
Foley; Howe 519
Meeting of Parliament; Debates about the Naval Miscarriages 521
Russell First Lord of the Admiralty; Retirement of Nottingham 523
Shrewsbury refuses Office 524
Debates about the Trade with India 525
Bill for the Regulation of Trials in Cases of Treason; Triennial Bill 528
Place Bill 531
Bill for the Naturalization of Foreign Protestants 535 535
Supply 537
Ways and Means: Lottery Loan 538
1694; the Bank of England 540
Prorogation of Parliament: Ministerial Arrangements; Shrewsbury Secretary of State 552
New Titles bestowed 554
French Plan of War; English Plan of War 555
Expedition against Brest 557
Naval Operations in the Mediterranean 561
War by Land 563
Complaints of Trenchard's Administration 564
The Lancashire Prosecutions 565
Meeting of the Parliament; Death of Tillotson 570
Tenison Archbishop of Canterbury; Debates on the Lancashire Prosecutions 571
Place Bill; Bill for the Regulation of Trials in Cases of Treason; The Triennial Bill passed 574
Death of Mary 575
Funeral of Mary 579
Greenwich Hospital founded 580