Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 4.djvu/9

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William lands at Carrickfergus and proceeds to Belfast 13
State of Dublin; William's Military Arrangements 15
William marches southward 17
The Irish Army retreats 18
The Irish make a stand at the Boyne 19
The Army of James 20
The Army of William 21
Walker, now Bishop of Derry, accompanies the Army 22
William reconnoitres the Irish Position 23
William is wounded 24
Battle of the Boyne 25
Flight of James 31
Loss of the Two Armies 32
Fall of Drogheda; State of Dublin 33
James flies to France; Dublin evacuated by the French and Irish Troops 35
Entry of William into Dublin 36
Effect produced in France by the News from Ireland 37
Effect produced at Rome by the News from Ireland 38
Effect produced in London by the News from Ireland 39
James arrives in France ; His Reception there 41
Tourville attempts a Descent on England 43
Teignmouth destroyed 45
Excitement of the English Nation against the French 47
The Jacobite Press 49
The Jacobite Form of Prayer and Humiliation 50
Clamour against the Nonjuring Bishops 51