Page:History of England (Macaulay) Vol 5.djvu/13

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Altered Position of the Ministry 354
The Elections 357
First Partition Treaty 361
Domestic Discontent 372
Littleton chosen Speaker 373
King's Speech 374
Proceedings relating to the Amount of the Land Force 375
Unpopularity of Montague 381
Bill for disbanding the Army 392
The King's Speech 393
Death of the Electoral Prince of Bavaria 394
Renewed Discussion of the Army Question 396
Naval Administration 401
Commission on Irish Forfeitures 403
Prorogation of Parliament; Changes in the Ministry and Household 404
Spanish Succession 409
Trial of Spencer Cowper 447
Duels 451
Discontent of the Nation 453
Captain Kidd 456
Meeting of Parliament 461
Attacks on Burnet 464
Renewed Attack on Somers 465
Question of the Irish Forfeitures; Dispute between the Houses 468
Somers again attacked 487
Prorogation of Parliament 489
Death of James the Second 490
The Pretender recognised as King 497
Return of the King 500
General Election 502
Death of William 505