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get up into a tree near the fountain; the wild beasts having drank, one of them finding Fortunatus climbed up the tree after him, where he was sore afraid; when he came near to him, Fortunatus drew his sword and struck the bear, that he fell from the tree, and thrust his sword through him, and then laying his mouth to the wound, sucked out his blood, and a little refreshed himself, and then laid him down and slept by the bear until morning.

How the Lady Fortune gave Fortunatus a purse that never wanted money.

BUT as soon as Fortunatus awoke, he saw standing before him a fair and beauteous Lady muffled over the eyes; whereupon he said, I beseech thee sweet virgin, for the love of God, to assist me, that I may come out of this wood, for these three days have 1 travelled without meat: then demanded she of him what countryman he was, he answered, I am of the isle of Cyprus, and poverty hath constrained me to wander to seek my fortune. She said, fear not