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Countryman he was? he answered, I am of the isle of Cyprus, and poverty hath constrained me to wander to seek my fortune. She said, fear not, Fortunatus, I am the goddess Fortune; and by the influence of the great Disposer of all things, are given me six things to such as stand in need thereof, which are wisdom, riches, strength, health, beauty, and long life; therefore choose one quickly, and be prudent, for you may not choose again. Fortunatus made no longer stay, but said, then I desire riches. With that she gave him a purse, and said, receive the same of me, and what country thou art in, as often as thou shall put thy hand therein, thou shall draw forth ten pieces of gold of the same nation's coin: and this purse shall retain its virtue as long as thou livest, and thy own children during their lives.

Fortunatus returned her a thousand thanks, to which she replied, return thanks to the Giver of all good gifts; for I am but the hand to distribute them as he directs, and of thy riches bestow it on the poor and needy. Then, setting him out of the wood, she vanished from his sight; which made him greatly wonder, and scarcely believe but it was a vision, and nothing of reality in it, till coming to an inn, hr tried the experiment, and found it otherwise: but his garments were so poor that the host, till he saw his money, scrupled to let him have any victuals or drink; but seeing him draw out gold so fast, the began to be sweet upon him, made him a fire, and carried him into the best room, ordering his daughter to attend him, where he staid all night. In the morning he inquired of the host, if he could help him to some horses, who told