Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1005

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BISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY John H. Albers is a native of Goodhue township, born Augusl 12. L875. He received his education in the common schools of his neighborhood, and fanned with his father for sonic years, also learning the carpenter's trade. Later he purchased a home al the same time doing considerable carpenter work in the village of Goodhue. He is a Republican in politics, but has never actively cnira^cd in political affairs. Mr. Albers was married February S 19<).">. to Mary lichens, daughter of .John and Anna (Tipke) Behens, farmers, of Zumbrota township. To Mr. and Mrs. Albers have been born three children: Edna, July 29, 1906; Wilmet, September 17. 1907, and Viola. February L3, 1908. Peter and Margaret (Fitchen) Albers. parents of John II.. came to America from Germany in May. 1873, and located in Good- hue township, where the father purchased a farm of forty acres in section 1(5, on which he carried on general farming, also doing carpenter work in the neighborhood. In 1902 he purchased 160 acres in sections 1, 2 and 11, iu Zumbrota township, where he is now engaged in farming. In the family were eight children, aside from John II., who was the oldest. They are, in the order of their birth: Peter, a farmer; Christ, deceased; Henry, de- ceased; Anna, wife of John Reese, a farmer, of Zumbrota; Mattie, of Zumbrota; Christ and Margaret, who are at home, and Cath- erine, deceased. John N. Banitt, proprietor of a general store at Goodhue vil- lage, is a native of this township, born March 8, 1875, son of Hans and Rebecca (Diercks) Banitt. who emigrated to America in 1874 and purchase 100 acres of land in Goodhue township, where they carried on general farming about one year. They then disposed of the place and purchased 137 acres in Zumbrota township, where they lived until the father's death, in January, 1899. The old homestead has since been sold and the mother resides in Zumbrota township. Nine children were born to Hans and Rebecca Banitt. They are : Margaret, married to John Bercholtz, living in Goodhue township; Jacob, living in Zum- brota township ; Peter and Henry, also living in Zumbrota town- ship ; Harry, wdio died December 14, 1907 ; Mary, wife of Henry Stechmann, living in Zumbrota township ; Gesche, wife of William Borghschatz, living in Zumbrota township; John, the subject of this sketch, and William, who clerks for his brother at Good- hue. John N. Banitt received his education in the public schools of Zumbrota township, and after leaving school clerked for O. Parker, at Goodhue, in a general store, for four years. After working the following year on a farm he entered the employ of O. N. Berg, of Zumbrota, clerking in a general store four years. October 29, 1900, he bought the stock of O. Parker, at Goodhue, and started in business in partnership with O. N. Berg and L.