Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1007

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COl VI'Y by a large circle of friends to whom he had endeared himself by his sterling qualities. Halvor Danielson and Anna [ngerbret- son, his wife, parents of Hans II. Danielson, came to America from Norway in 1S42. and ended their days in Jefferson county, Wisconsin. Bjorn and Catherine Von Krogh) Anderson, par- ents of Mrs. Hans II. Danielson, came to America from Norway in 1836 and located in Dayton. 111., where the father worked at his trade as cooper until Locating in Dane county, Wisconsin. where he purchased 160 acres, which he cultivated until his death, in 1850. His wife died in 1881. Mrs Danielson now Lives on the old Danielson homestead in Belvidere township, and is well liked for her patient and pleasant disposition. Fredrich Vollmers, a well known fanner, of Goodhue town- ship, was born in Germany, January 1i>. 1S72. son of John P. and Anna (Bomback) Vollmers, natives of Germany. Alter the • hath of the father, in ISST. mother and son determined to seek their fortune in America, and accordingly set sail in INNS. I'pon reaching- Belvidere, Fredrich worked for a time on a farm, and then pursued a similar vocation in Zumbrota, after which, in 1901, he purchased 160 acres in the township of Goodhue, where he now lives and carries on general farming, also breeding horses and stock- with great success. His mother now makes her home in Featherstone township. Mr. Vollmers is a Repub- lican in politics. He was married December 17, 1896, to Maggie Reese, by whom he has three children. William 1).. Arthur P. and Minnie, all living at home. Mrs. Vollmers is the daughter of Detrich and Engle (Hendricks) Reese, natives of Germany, who came to America some years ago and located m Goodhue township, where they purchased 160 acres of land and carried on general farming. Her father and mother are now both dead. Mr. Vollmers has two brothers and four sisters. Henry and John are proprietors of the Vollmers House, in Red Wing. Mag- gie M., who died in 1908, was the wife of Charles Dahling, of Hay Creek. Mattie is the wife of Christ Hinck, a Featherstone farmer ; Mary is the wif e of John Augustine, also a Featherstone farmer, and Annie is the wife of Ernest Wildt, a farmer living in Germany. Dwight Gordyon Pierce, the genial postmaster and hustling newspaper editor of Goodhue village, is of AViseonsin birth, hav- ing first seen the light of day in Milwaukee. December 12, 1868, son of James M. and Harriet Maria (Carey) Pierce, natives of New York state. The father, -who was a farmer near Milwaukee, "Wis., came west in 1875 and located in Oskaloosa. Iowa, where he purchased 100 acres of land and engaged in general farming until 1880, when his wife died. He then entered the employ of the Iowa Central railroad, purchasing horses and supplies for