Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1012

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874 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY He is now road overseer. The family worships at the Methodist church. Henry Luhman, of Goodhue township, was horn in Hay Creek January 6, 1874, son of John and Mattie (Olkers) Luhman, na- tives of Germany, who came to America in 1872, locating at Hay Creek, where the father worked on a farm for three years. In the spring of 1875 they came to Goodhue, purchased a half section of land and carried on general farming. The father died in 1903 and the mother is still living with her son in Goodhue. Henry received his education in the public and German schools of Goodhue. He remained on the farm with his father and also worked on a thresher for several years. In 1900 he rented eighty acres and in 1905 purchased 120 acres and in addition to this owns forty acres of his father's farm. On this land Mr. Luhman conducts general farming and dairying, disposing of his cream to the Goodhue Creamery. Mr. Luhman was married January 10, 1901, to Mary, daughter of Chris and Katie (Holtz) Vieths, who came from Germany to Goodhue township, where they now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Luhman have two children : Ernest A. J., born February 11, 1902, and Alfred II. C, born August 25, 1903. Thy both attend school. Mr. Luhman is a Republican and a member of the German Lutheran church. He is a prosperous young man and merits the success he has thus far won. John H. Quast, of Goodhue village, was born in Germany December 14, 1868, son of John J. and Marguerite (Behr) Quast, the former of whom followed farming until his death, in 1908. The mother died in 1883. John attended the public schools in Germany, and farmed until 1886, when he came to America and located in Goodhue township. Here he secured work on farms summers and attended the public schools winters, finally finish- ing with a course at Beeman's Business College, at Red "Wing. In 1891 he entered the employ of Gromlahl Brothers as sales- man at Red AYing. where he remained about six years. He then came to Goodhue, February 20, 1897, and purchased the general merchandise store of K. L. Anderson. He was also appointed assistant post mast er. Soon his growing business required larger quarters, so in 1905 he built the Quast block, one of the finest in the village. On July 1, 1905, he removed his stock to the new building and now carries a full line of dry goods, hats, caps, shoes, rubbers, wall paper, crockery and groceries ; in fact, every- thing required in a general village store. Mr. Quast was mar- ried April 5, 1891, to Mary Augustine, daughter of Peter and Cathrina (Luhman) Augustine. This union resulted in four children : John P., born July, 1892, who attends the Red AYing Seminary, taking a business course; Jacob H., born 1894; Julius E., born 1896, and Aliva E., born 1898. The last three named