Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1019

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 881 home farm, later purchasing 140 acres of land in Stanton town- ship. During his twenty years' ownership he has greatly im- proved the place, remodeling the buildings and developing the land, 110 acres of which is under cultivation. He carries on gen- eral farming, keeps a number of good cattle and disposes of con- siderable cream to the Cannon Falls creamery. In 1889 Mr. Van Guilder was married to Cynthia Deline, daughter of J. J. and Eliza (Housel) Deline, who were old settlers of this county. Both are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Van Guilder have one daughter, Ruth, who attended the high school at Cannon Falls, but who is now at home and devotes considerable of her time to the study of music. In politics Mr. Van Guilder is a Republican. Wallace Van Guilder, of Stanton township, was born in New York state June 28, 1843, son of Phenner and Jane Van Guilder, natives of New York state, where they were engaged in farming until their death. Wallace Van Guilder received his education in the common schools of the state, and worked in a stave fac- tory for several years. When the war broke out he enlisted, in July, 1862, in Company B, 11th Vermont Volunteer Infantry, served in the Army of the Potomac and took part in all the battles of the campaign, including the battle of Gettysburg. He. was discharged in Vermont in 1864. After his return home, on receiving his discharge from the army, he decided to come west, locating in Cannon Falls, where he worked in the hotel for a time, after wdiich he rented a farm in partnership with his cousin, and engaged in farming. He went back later, to New York, and worked for one year for an old comrade, after which he again returned to Cannon Falls and purchased 182 acres of land in Stanton township, where he has been engaged in general farming for twenty years. He was at one time also engaged in ball playing, being a professional. He played w T ith the Minne- haha club, of Northfield, Minn., which held the championship of Minnesota until they disbanded in 1868. All the improvements on his land and buildings have been made by himself, and about 120 acres is under cultivation. He is now retired and his stepson rents the farm. Mr. Van Guilder was married in November, 1869, to Aribell Poe, daughter of Richard and Margaret Poe, by whom he had three children: Milton A., living in Stanton; Julia, who married Dr. Houston, now of Montana, and one child who died in infancy. His wife died, and later he married Mrs. Matilda Saylor, who had three children by her first marriage, Elizabeth, Frank, now deceased, and Lester, the latter of whom rents the farm. AVallace and Matilda Van Guilder have one son, Jesse, who is attending the State University, where he is pre- paring to practice dentistry. Mr. Van Guilder is a Republican,