Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1027

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 887 he was disabled, took pari in all the battles and conflicts of the campaign, from the wilderness to Appomattox. Ee was severely wounded at Petersburg and spent several months in the hospital, but returned to duty after his recovery, and remained till the close of the war. He was discharged at City Point, Va., and mustered out August, 1865. He then returned home and attended the Eastman Commercial Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. and afterwards came to Minnesota, where lie engaged in farming in Stanton township for one and a half years. He then went to Faribault county. Minnesota, and took up a homestead near Blue Earth City, remaining for five years, after which he returned to New York, where he was engaged in farming seven years. Later he removed to Stanton township, where he now owns ninety acres of land and is engaged in general farming in a small way, being secretary of the Stanton Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company; that, with other outside duties, taking a good share of his time. .Air. Deline was married in 1868 to Julany D., daughter of John and Eliza Deline. They were natives of eastern New York, and in 1855 came to Stanton township, where they pre-empted land and engaged in farming. Both parents are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Deline have had two children. Jennie, who lives at home, is a retired school teacher with years of experience in the schools of the county and in different towns of the state, being now a successful poultry raiser. Franklin Ward married Myrtle Scott, of Red AVing, and lives in Cass county, Minnesota, engaged in farming. Mr. Deline is a Republican in his politics, and has been chairman of the town board for several years. He is also justice of the peace. He has been a member of George McKinley Post No. 92, G. A. R., since 1878 and, although living five miles from the post hall, has never missed a meeting in the past twentv- five years unless absent from home. He also belongs to the A. 0. U. W. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. A. H. Van Voorhis, now deceased, was born in Dutchess county, New York, in 1830, son of Christian and Elizabeth (Hate) Voor- his, natives of New York, of Holland descent. A. H. came west in 1856 and located in Minnesota, where he took up land in Section 34 of Stanton township, and remained several years, after which he removed to the present homestead of 160 acres, also in Stanton township, and engaged in general farming until his death in 1906. All the improvements on the place were made by himself, the first home of the family here being a log house, which was on the farm when he purchased it. He later erected a more comfortable home and other outbuildings, making gen- eral improvements. In 1857 he was married to Catherine Lipp.