Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1056

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912 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY with the Army of the Potomac during its entire campaign, with the exception of five weary months which he spent in Anderson- ville prison. He was discharged in July, 1865, and took part in the grand review in Washington. In 1866 he came west with his parents, and after spending a number of years in this county, went to Fergus Falls, , where he spent three years. Since that time he has continued to reside in Stanton. He rents 220 acres of his land, but upon the remainder carries on general farming and dairying, selling milk to the cheese factory of which he is president. Mr. Fox was married in 1884 to Carrie Kydlund, daughter of John and Christine Rydlund, the latter of whom is spending her declining years at the Fox home. To Mr. and Mrs. Fox have been born nine children : Oscar L., Lillian R., Henry L., John W., Esther S., George E., Eva F., Moses D. and Arthur T. Peter A. Peterson, the able and distinguished postmaster at Cannon Falls, was born in Sweden January 24, 1855, and came to America with his parents in 1869, completing his education in the schools of Cannon Falls. After school he clerked in a drug store until 1880, when he purchased the business of Sand- berg Brothers and became sole proprietor, the store being con- ducted on the corner of Main and Fourth streets, where the postoffice is now located. In 1889 he moved his business to a fine brick block on Fourth street, which he had just completed. In October, 1889, he received from President Harrison the ap- pointment of postmaster, in which position he has since continued, giving great satisfaction. During his long term of office the service has increased in efficiency and his efforts have met with much favor. The income of the office in 1889 was $1,500, and in the year 1908 had increased to over $5,500. In March, 1904, Mr. Peterson sold a half interest in his drug business to George V. Williams, and four years later disposed of the remaining half interest to the same gentleman, thus enabling him to give his entire time to his duties as postmaster. He still, however, owns the block, and also a fine residence. Mr. Peterson also owns 1,200 acres of wild land in northwestern Minnesota ; owns a store and two residences in Two Harbors, Minn., and has stock in a packing plant at Fergus Falls, as well as in the Cannon Falls Canning Company and the Farmers' Elevator, of Cannon Falls. He has served on the village council and on the school board, has been treasurer of the Scandinavian Benevolent Society twenty years and secretary of the society for many years. His allegiance has always been with the Republican party. June 24. 1880, Mr. Peterson was married to Mary L. Swanson, who died in April, 1895, leaving one child, Edna, who lives at home. A son, Elric J., died in infancy. He was again married, October 4, 1900. to