Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1070

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922 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY county. Illinois, where they farmed for some years, afterward coming to Leon township. Being true pioneers, they made the trip by ox team, and in addition to this the father also made a vi -i urn trip to Illinois by the same means. At once upon his arrival here the father pre-empted a quarter-section of land and began farming operations, erecting a shack for the shelter of himself and family until better quarters could be provided. ( Dur- ing these early days the pioneers had to depend upon Red "Wing for lumber and provisions and as a market for their grain. The father of the subject of this sketch often made this trip, some- times taking his son John, camping on the prairie by night and spending three weary days in making the distance which is now made in a few hours. For many years the father followed farm- ing in Leon township, hut in 1897 moved to AYanamingo, where he now resides. Of his five children, only two survive, the other besides J. J. being a son who makes his home with his father. J. J. Lee was brought up on the old homestead, attended the public schools and the Red Wing Seminary, and then took up farming operations, which he has since continued. He is a Re- publican in politics and was at one time supervisor of Leon township, also serving on the school board. He now owns the home place of 160 acres and fifteen acres <>f woodland adjoining but since 1905 he has lived in a new residence which he erected in Cannon Falls village. Mr. Lee is now engaged in the farm implement business in partnership with John Ritchie. Mr. Lee was married in 1896 to Bertha Quale, whose parents were early settlers of AVanamingo who now live in South Dakota. The Lee home has been blessed with three children, Walter J., Edna S. and Irene L. J. F. Larson resides on the place in Cannon Falls township where his father lived before him. He was born in Sweden October 21, 1864. son of Gustav and Anna (Carlson) Larson, who came to America in 1869, and settled first in Belle Creek town- ship, this county. In 1874 they came to Cannon Falls township and purchased a farm of 200 acres, which they at once set about improving and developing and where they continued to live. The father died at his home in Cannon Falls in 1904 and the mother still makes her home in Cannon Falls. In the family there were six children, four of whom are living. J. F. Larson was but five years old when he started life in America. He was brought up on the farm and lived at home until twenty-seven years of age.- Desiring to see something of the world before settling down for life, he went to St. Paul and Minneapolis and worked several years on the street cars, in a saw mill and as a milk dealer. He then returned to the old homestead, which he now is working for his mother. A larger part of the farm is