Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1083

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HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTS 935 Mr. Swan is a man of good character, always willing to use his influence in behalf of anything pertaining to the good of the community. Lars H. Voxland, of Wanamingo township, was born in Holden township, September 1. L861, son of Halvor and Clara (Quam), natives of Norway, who came to America in the late fifties, and located in Wisconsin, where they were married and came to Holden township in 1858, where they purchased eighty acres of land to which they added from time to time, until they had in all, 680 acres, all in Holden township. Here they carried on general farming until the death of the father, March 4, 1894. The mother is still living on the old homestead with her son George. Lars received his education in the common schools of Holden township and the high school at Faribault, Minn. After leaving school he worked with his father on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age, wmen he came to Wanamingo town- ship and purchased 251 acres in Section 19, where he has since carried on general farming and stock raising. He has added land at different times to his farm, until he now has a fine farm of 750 acres, all in AYanamingo township, except 110 acres, which is in Holden township, but adjoins the other land. It is all under cultivation. On October 27, 3882, Mr. Voxland was married to Christine Aabye, daughter of Thorsten A. and Olena (Bergan) Aabye, natives of Norway, who came to Dodgeville, Wis., from Norway in 1851. In 1854 they removed to Wanamingo township and took up a homestead of 160 acres of wild land which the father improved, following general farming until his death, May 3. 1901. The mother is still living with her daughter at the age of eighty-three years. She and her husband, with two others, Henry Nelson and William Ronnin, were among the first settlers in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Voxland have been blessed with ten children : Clara, married to Ole L. Thoen, of Litchfield, Minn. ; Lena (deceased) ; Halvor, who is a farmer of Wanamingo, mar- ried to Hannah Wrolstad, June 3, 1909 ; Olof , Lena, Laura, Man- ton, Alice, Harriett, who are at home, and Carl (deceased). Mr. Voxland is an independent voter, and has been treasurer of school district No. 148. He is one of the directors of the Farmers' Elevator in Kenyon. The family faith is that of the Lutheran church. Lars A. Walsvik, of Wanamingo township, was born in Nor- way, November 24, 1847, son of Andreas and Segre (Nesseth), natives of Norway, who came to America in 1856, settling in Illinois, and remaining there three years. In 1859 they came to Wanamingo township where they purchased 120 acres of wild land, which the father broke and improved, following general farming until his death, February 19, 1906. The mother died