Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1088

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940 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY in general farming, dairying and stock raising, continuing to improve his farm in many ways. October 7, 1889, he was mar- ried to Petrine Brekken, daughter of Even and Bertha (Oldre) Brekken, natives of Norway, who immigrated in 1856 to Stough- ton, Dane county, "Wisconsin. In 1860 they removed to Minne- sota and purchased 160 acres of land, gradually increasing this to 385 acres. They carried on farming until 1888, when they retired from active life, but remaining on the homestead, where the father died in 1894. The mother is still living at Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. Veek have had nine children: Even (deceased); Herman Julius, Byron, Josephine, Clara, and Minnie, who are at home, and Evangeline, Clara P., and Ole, deceased. Mr. Veek is a Republican in politics and has served as chairman of "War- saw township for the past four years, clerk of school district 53 for the past twelve years, and president of the Goodhue County Good Roads Association for two years. The family faith is that of the Lutheran church. Henry H. Svein was born on the farm where he now resides, in W T arsaw township. December 25, 1873, son of John and Mary Turtness, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1856, locat- ing in Wisconsin, whore the father worked on a farm for three years, after which they went to Iowa, remaining three years; then came to WTarsaw township, ^Minnesota, in 1862, and pur- chased eighty acres of land which the father cleared and broke, and built a home. Here they remained for two years, when they bought a farm, consisting of 195 acres, in the same township, where the father made extensive improvements, building a home, barn and other outbuildings, and followed general farming until in 1905 when he retired from active life. In 1907 he moved to Dennison, where he died in 1908, and the mother in 1882. Henry received his education in the public schools of Warsaw and St. Olaf's College, Northfield, which he attended two years, after which he took up farming at home until 1905. He then bought 155 acres of the old homestead, and later forty acres, of which about 175 acres are under cultivation, and on wdiich he has car-, ried on general farming and dairying, raising of fine horses and stock. Mr. Svein has one sister and two brothers : Annie, the sister, married C. Strand, who died, and later she married Thomas Bakken, of W 7 arsaw. The brothers are : Sever, who lives- at home, and Olaus, who is living at Dennison, Minn. Mr. Svein is a Republican in politics, but has never sought or held public office. He belongs to the Norwegian Lutheran church. John Edward Norsving, president of the village council of Dennison, was born in Holden township, January 24, 1873, and received his education in the Holden common schools, St. Olaf College at Northfield, and the Lutheran Academy at Albert Lea,