Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1107

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUXTY 959 that of the Norwegian Lutheran church, Mr. Wangen having been trustee of the Erland church. Aside from his rich farm, Mr. Wangen owns an interest in the cheese factory and elevator at Stanton, and in the elevator at Dennison. For many years past he has been an honored member of the G. A. R. Post at Cannon Falls. Highly esteemed and honored, he is one of those citizens who go to make up the rank and file of the substantial, law-abiding and God-fearing citizens of Goodhue county. James L. Crump, of Warsaw township, was born in Canada, September 2, 1860, son of Michael and Elizabeth (Browmcll) Crump, natives of Canada. The father, a farmer, came to Min- nesota in 1863, and located in AYarsaw township, where he worked until in 1867, after which he purchased 160 acres of prairie land, which he broke and cleared, built a home and barn and carried on general farming until he retired from active life in 1893. Four brothers arrived here from Canada a few years previous to James, and the youngest brother came here eight years later, in 1871. James Crump died October 27, 1899, but the mother is still living near Dennison, at the old homestead, at the old age of 83. James received his education in the public schools of War- saw and the Northfield high school. After leaving school, he took up farming at home until he w T as twenty-one years of age, when he purchased eighty acres 'of improved land and carried on dairy farming and stock raising. He also owns a half interest in the homestead, a farm of 160 acres. James is one of a family of six children : Hannah, married Martin Olson, farmer and lum- berman, now of Hubbard county, Minnesota; Emma, married Charles Saxe, now of Morris, Minn. ; Georgie, married Bradford Saxe, of Morris, Minn.; Elizabeth lives at home; Alice lives at home, and James is the subject of this sketch. Mr. Crump is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal church. He has served as clerk of the school district No. 51 for twelve years. Charles Monson, of Vasa township, was born in Sweden, April 27, 1853. His parents w r ere Andrew and Nancy (Swanson) Mon- son, natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1856 and located in Vasa township, where they pre-empted government land, con- sisting of 160 acres which the father broke and cleared, living in a dugout for a year. Later the father built a log house, and car- ried on general farming increasing his land until he had 240 acres, and also improving by erecting a more comfortable home and other outbuildings. Three years before his death he retired from active life. He died in the month of July, 1899. The mother perished in a snow storm on December 13, 1856, being lost on the prairie. The body was found by a searching party a few days later. Charles received his education in the district schools of