Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1125

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 975 Mr. and Mrs. Lothrop were born six children: .Mary 0., bom October 31, L868, is a school teacher, who has recently laken a post-graduate course in the University of Minnesota; Josiah H. was born March 20, 1872, and lives on the old homestead; Charles K.. born September 7. 1874, died January 16, 1890; Seth , born July 10, 1881, died January 9, 1883; Sarah E., born June 7. 1886, is a stenographer at the University of Minnesota, and Hugh L., born October 19, 1888, is a bookkeeper and lives at home. Mr. Lothrop lias occupied public office since reaching the age of twenty-six years. He has occupied practically all the offices in Roscoe township, including chairman, and is commander of Scofiehl Post. No. 121, G. A. R. He is an independent voter. Mrs. Lothrop, who comes of an old family, is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a charter member of the Woman's Relief Corps and a member of the Eastern Star. The Lothrops take an active interest in everything that is improving and ennobling. Charles 0. Roe, Hie efficient manager of the Farmers' Elevator Company, at Ken yon, is a native of this state, born in Lyon county, Minnesota, Augusl 5, 1873. His parents, Ole and Dena (Loken) Roe, natives of Hedemarken, Norway, came to America in the early sixties and located in Wanamingo township two years. They then went to Lyon county, homesteaded 160 acres of land,, and on this farm, which they broke and improved, car- ried on general farming for several years. Later they returned to Wanamingo township, where the father died in 1874. The mother now makes her home in Kenyon. Charles O. received a common school education and took up farming on a place which he rented in Holden township. His first experience in the grain business was in the employ of the Farmers' Elevator Company, of Kenyon, with whom he remained eight years. He then worked at the same business as manager of the Farmers' Ele- vator at Ellendale, Steele county, this state, and in the fall of 1905 located in "Wanamingo, where he remained until August 1, 1909, when he took his present position. As an elevator manager he has given much satisfaction, and is highly regarded by all with whom he has business relations. In the past four years he has taken an interest in the business growth of the village of Wanamingo, and is a director of the Farmers' State Bank, sec- retary of the Farmers' Mutual Telephone Company, of Wana- mingo, and secretary of the Wanamingo Lumber Company. Mr. Roe was married in September, 1899, at Faribault, to Caroline Kleven, daughter of Thomas Kleven, of Kenyon. To this union have been born two daughters, Lillian Othelia and Dorothy Evelyn, the former born August 20, 1900, and the latter June