Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1128

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978 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY dairying. He has been justice of the peace six years, supervisor of the township three years and treasurer of school district No. 52 for six years. In many other ways he has shown his deep interest in the public and political welfare of the township. Mr. Brandvold was married in 1887 to Lukris Wangen, daughter of Andrew and Annie AVangen, natives of Norway, who came to Leon township in 1869 and became well known citizens. The father died in 1893 and the mother is still living on the old home- stead in Leon township. Mr. and Mrs. Brandvold have no chil- dren. Mr. Brandvold has been trustee and treasurer of Urland Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran church for the past six years. From 1891 to 1898 he was also engaged in the general merchan- dise business in company with his brother at So^n. Minn. Osmund J. Wing was born in Norway November 15, 1812, and upon coming to America located in Illinois. In 1856 he moved to Wanamingo township and settled on a piece of land which now consists of 320 acres. He was town supervisor for a number of years, and in 1875 was appointed postmaster and served for some time. He was president of the Aspelund Society and one of the organizers of the First State Bank of Zumbrota, of which he was first president, and held that office at the time of its consolidation with the Security State Bank, in 1909. He is now president of the Wanamingo. Cherry Grove and Minneola Mutual Fire Insurance ( ompany, as he has been for many years past. He also served in the state senate in 1895 and 1897, and was a member of the state board of equalization for many years. He was married to Susan Nelson .June 11, 1869, and to this union were born five children, Sarah J., Henry. Martha M., John G. and Emma. J. Mrs. Wing is dead. Mr. Wing, retired from active work several years ago, and has continued to live on the old homestead, which is now conducted by his son. John G. Wing, son of Osmund Wing, was born July 21, 1876, on the farm which he now conducts, and here he has spent prac- tically his entire life. In an educational way he had the advan- tages of training in the common schools of Wanamingo and in an academy at Minneapolis, and in 1896 he took a trip to Europe, adding materially to the fund of information which he received in school. Since 1902 he has conducted the home farm, making a specialty of horses, particularly those of the Percheron breed. By Edna A. Fuller, daughter of A. H. Fuller, of Ottawa, 111., whom he married .May 10, 1905. he has had two children: Susan, who died in infancy, and Aurette J., born August 1, 1907. The family faith is that of the Norwegian Lutheran church. C. A. Sargent, a dairy farmer living about a mile out of Ked Wing, in Burnside township, where he has a pleasant home and an excellent grazing farm, is the son of one of the earliest set-