Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1146

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994 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Luchan have been blessed with four children : John, manages the farm with his brother, Henry W. ; Margaret, married John Miller, a farmer of Hay Creek ; and Annie, married John Isendorf, a farmer of Belvidere. John and Henry received their education in the common schools of Belvidere, working on the farm with their father and later assuming the management. They carry on general farming and stock raising. They are Republican in their politics, and John has been clerk of school district No. 30 for the past fifteen years. The family faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal church. R. W. Irish, Pine Island village, was born in Dodge county, Minnesota. April 12, 1872, son of Joseph and Evelyn Irish. He received his education in the public schools, after which he went west to the Dakotas. where he was employed as a cattle herder for a few years. He returned to Pine Island and engaged in the barbei- business fur five years. He then purchased the Pine Island Record, which In- conducted for five years, after which he sold out and moved to Minneapolis, remaining one year. Returning the second time to Pine Island, he engaged in the general mer- cantile Inisimss. but sold out in 1908, and now has several pat- ents for the handling of laces, to which he devotes his entire time. He was married December 1, 1895, to Georgana McCarty. daughter of J. B. and Helen ("Wyman) McCarty, who were old settlers. They have one son. YYynot. who attends school. Mr. Irish is Republican in his politics, and has been deputy oil in- spect or of Goodhue county for a number of years. He is a mem- ber of the I. O. 0. F. and .M. W. A. Edward Walter was born in Pine Island township, May 10, 1 86»>. son of Christian and Susan (Bringgold) natives of New York', and came to Pine Island township in 1866 and bought forty acres of land which is inside of the corporation. They are still living in Pine Island. Edward received his education in the common schools of the township, and later engaged in farming. He now has 160 acres of land under cultivation in Pine Island township, and carries on general farming and stockraising. He has a fine farm, which is well cared for and improved, with good buildings, has a new barn, forty by seventy, and a good house. He was married in 1899 to Minnie Manthei, and two children have blessed this union. Elmer H. and Viola, both of whom are at home. Mr. "Walter is an independent voter and a successful farmer. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. No. 84 and he and his family attend the German Lutheran church. V. E. Parker, of Pine Island village, was born in Pine Island township, March 2, 1874. son of Elton C. and Mary C. (Dickey) Parker. His grandfather. James Parker, a farmer of Zumbrota, was one of the early settlers of this county. His father served