Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1148

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99G HISTORY OF GOODH'l 'K COUNTY were natives of Norway. Both are dead. Mr. and Mrs. Holman are the parents of nine children : Lorana, married to Thomas Kennedy, of California; Ole A., of Minneapolis, engaged in the grocery business ; Nels and John, also merchants at Minneapolis ; Susanna, of California; Lena, who is a dressmaker in Illinois; Julius and Christina, living at home; and Andrew, of Minne- apolis. Mr. Holman has been successful, having through his own untiring effort and hard work risen to the prosperity he now enjoys. He is a stockholder in the Bombay cheese factory, and is a Republican in his politics. The family faith is that of the Lutheran church. Axel H. Dahl, foreman of the finishing department at the Red AYing Furniture Company, was born in Red Wing, Decem- ber 15. 1S77. son of Andrew M. and Elizabeth Dahl, of whom a sketch is found in this history. After intending the public schools. Axel in 1891 entered the employ of the finishing depart- ineiil of the Red Wing Furniture Company and has since con- tinued in the employ of the same concern, being now the fore- man. He is a faithful workman, and highly regarded by his associates. He is also a popular member of the United Work- men, and votes the Republican ticket. .Mi-. Dahl was married ■ il 24, 1907, to Elsie Faton, of Frontenac, daughter of Andrew and Ellen (Johnson) Eaton, natives of Norway. The father alter locating at Frontenac, followed his trade as stone cutter, lie died at Red Wing, in December, 1898, his wife having passed away at Frontenac in 1892. Mr. and .Mrs. Eaton have one daugh- ter and four sons besides Mrs. Dahl. Edith Margaret lives in St. Paul, Fred M. lives in Minneapolis, and George AY and Henry A. both live in New Mexico. The home of Air. and Airs. Dahl has been blessed with three children. The oldest is Roy Andrew. Marion Ruth and Alargaret Rachael were twins, the latter dying February 15, 1907. The family worships at the Swedish Lutheran church. Elling M. Erickson, of Roscoe township, was born in Houston county. Alinnesota, December 8, 1861, son of Michael and Carrie (Flatland) Erickson, natives of Norway, who came to America and located in Houston county, where they took up a homestead of 240 acres of wild land, which the father broke and improved, built a home, and carried on general farming until his death in 1885. The mother married Torbjorn Kittleson. Elling Al. re- ceived his education in the public schools of his county, and at the age of fourteen worked out for farmers until in 1883, when he engaged in farming for himself. He purchased 120 acres of land in Roscoe township, and carried om general and diversified farming and stock raising. In 1893 he added eighty acres to his farm, and later forty, and has all his land under cultivation.