Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1170

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1018 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY with much success. He also deals in coal and wood, owns eighteen horses and employs a number of men. His office is at 209-211 Broadway. Mr. Glardon is a director of the Modern "Woodmen, in which society he has occupied all the chairs. He is a Democrat in politics, and the family faith is that of the Epis- copal church. William P. Glardon was married in April, 1883, to Caroline Lillienthal. of White Water, Wis., daughter of Will- iam Lillienthal, natives of Germany, who fame to the United States in 1870 and located at Rome, Wis., where the father worked as a stone mason. Mr. and Mrs. Lillienthal now live at Palmyra, Wis. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Glardon has been blessed with six children : Jessie M., born July 28, 1884 ; Walter E., born October 14, 1885; Mollie, horn May 3, 1887; Frances, born October 1!». L890; Margaret, born August 9, 1895. and Will- iam D.. born August !>. 1S9S. The family residence is a pretty home at 468 Seventh street. Mr. Glardon has three brothers, all living in Red Wing. They are George. Waller and Frederick. Frank M. Wilson, attorney at law, Red Wing, was born in New Albany, [nd., .Match 30, 1845, son of II. B. Wilson, a native of Maine, and .Mary J. Chandler Wilson, a native of Virginia. He came to Red Wing as a boy in L858, and after attending the public schools, entered Hamline University. In 1862-63 he at- tended the Wes1 Poinl Military Academy, al West Point, New York. Later he took a course at the University of Indiana, at Bloomington, [nd, His Law education was obtained in .Milan, [nd., in the middle sixties, his preceptor being Steven Harding, afterward governor and chief justice of [owa. Mr. Wilson then returned to Red Wing, where he has since practiced law. Be was married in 1875 to Clotdlde Marconnier, by whom he has one son, Horace A., born August 1, 1878, now a leading attorney of Seattle, Wash. Mrs. I lotilde Wilson died in 1879 and in 1883 Mr. Wilson married Emma Seising, by whom* he has one son, Harry, born July 22, 1884. now of the firm of Augstine & Wilson, Red Wing hardware merchants. Mr. Wilson seined in the legis- lature in 1893-95, was county attorney in the eighties and city attorney at various times. He has been a delegate to many con- ventions, both county and state. He belongs to the Masons and the Elks. Arthur P. Pierce, the genial mayor of Red Wing, has occu- pied the mayoralty chair of the city for a longer period than any other man in its history. He is of New England parentage, born in Hudson, N. H., November 10, 1855, son of John Preble Pierce and Martha Ellen (Chase) Pierce. As a small boy he came to what was then the village of Red Wing and lived with his uncle, the banker. J. C. Pierce. He attended the schools of Red Wing and in 1875 graduated from the Shattuck School at