Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1172

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1020 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY nectiou with the company in 1904 and organized the Red Wing Telephone Company of Red Wing, December 15 of that year, being elected secretary, treasurer and manager at its incorpora- tion. In 1908 Mr. Xeill was elected president of the Minnesota Federation of Commercial Clubs and was re-elected in 1909. He has served as president of the Red Wing Commercial Club, and in September, 1909, was appointed by Governor Eberhardt as a member of the Governor John A. Johnson Memorial Commission. Mr. Xeill was married May 20, 1875, to Alice A. Purdy. of Fox Lake, Wis., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Purdy. and to them have been born three children : Edmund P., July 26, 1877. now advertising representative of the Billings "Gazette and Journal" at Billings. Mont.: Victor S., born April 20, 1884, now engaged with his father as assistant manager and chief inspector of the Red Wing Telephone Company, and Margaret A., born October 6, 1890. who is attending the Lutheran Ladies" Seminary. In politics. Mr. Xeill is a Republican and in religion a member of the Presbyterian church. He was a member of the board of public works in 1907. and was one of the organizers of the library board, of which he was the first president. Charles J. Sargent, cashier of the Goodhue County National Bank of lr< Wing, was bora in .Mower county, Minnesota, Sep- tember 13, 1872, son of Millard II. and Elizabeth (Decker) Sar- gent, natives of New York and Pennsylvania respectively. They migrated west in 1s.">s. and located in Mower county, where they engaged in general farming, and where they si ill reside. Charles J. received his education in the public schools of his neighbor- hood, attended the high school of Austin and upon completing his studies entered the Pirsl National Lank of Austin, with which he remained until 1906. when he resigned his position as teller and came to Red Wing to assume the responsible position of cashier of the Goodhue County National Bank, which posi- tion he still holds. He is also secretary, treasurer and one of the trustees of the Goodhue County Savings Bank. During his resi- dence here he has shown his public spirit by associating himself with the Red Wing Commercial Club, and has taken an active interest in the Civic League; of which he was president in 1908. He is a member of the M. W. A., and belongs to the Presbyterian church, in which he takes an active interest. In September 4, 1895, Mr. Sargent was married to Katherine Fox. of Austin. Minn., and they have two children. Ruth A., born September 30, 1899, and Ralph M.. born May 10, 1904. The family resides in a nice home at 718 East avenue. Ole A. Strand, of Minneola township, now deceased, was a sturdy old Norse pioneer, born in Hallingdahl, Norway, in 1843. He came to the United States with his parents, arriving July 4,