Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1176

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L022 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY votes ih«' Republican ticket, and belongs to the Masons and the Woodmen. He was married, May 25, l!»i)4. to Elina s. Stageberg. A. G. Henderson, for twenty-five years a prominent clothing merchanl of Red Wing, was born in Stavenger, Norway, Janu- ary 6, 1844, and there received his boyhood education. A1 the age of thirteen years he came to America and remained for a considerable period. En L875 he engaged in the clothing busi- ness in Red Wing and after twenty-five years of active commer- cial Life, retired. He died September 23, r.»<>7. as the resull of a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Henderson was interested in various business enterprises, and had a pari in starting several of the importanl industries in the city. He was shrewd ;in<l frugal, and thus accumulated ;i fortune estimated al between $300,000 and $500,000. He had the faculty of Looking into the future, and was a thorough believer in Red Wing as a future commer rial center. Mr. Henderson is survived by two children, Mrs. L. M. Kihiiis. of Minneapolis, and George |NTorman, also of thai city. J. Adolph, another sun. died in the spring of 1909. William Hennings, a hard working farmer of Goodhue town ship, was born in Germany, April 15, 1845, and there received ins education. He came to America in 1^">7 after the death of his mother, with Ins father, and assisted on the home farm until 1868, when he purchased eight} acres in Goodhue township, where he has since continued to reside. ll«' has increased his Goodhue farm to 246% acres and in addition to this owns a half section elsewhere. He carries on general farming and stock rais- ing on a large scale, having me1 with considerable success. Hi has served one term as supervisor of his township and six years as a member of the school board. Mr. Hennings votes independ- ently, and belongs to the I. O. O. F. I'>y Ins wife. Catherine) whom he married September 17. 1871, he has had eighl children: Annie Maria; Frederick; Sophia; W. II.: Louisa C. ; Lena II.: C. (i. and John L. Frederick and Maria Vie1 Hennings, parents of William Hennings, were natives of Germany, where the latter died iii L857. Soon afterward, the father came to America and settled in Featherstone township. Albert W. Pratt was born in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. July 10, 1837, son of Richard and Sarah (Fitch) Pratt, who located in thai place in 1835. The lather was a native of .Massachusetts and the mother of New York state. At Chagrin Kails. Richard Pratl engaged for manj years in the hoot and shoe business. FOr a time he lived in Keokuk. Iowa, but later returned to Cha- grin Kails, where he died in 1868. His wife died al Hamilton, 111., in 1S72. Albert W. received his early education in the schools of his native town, and for several years was employed in the postofiice at Painsville, Ohio. He came to Red Wing in