Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1186

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1028 HISTORY OF GOODIIL K COUNTY fifties, locating first in Ohio, then in Iowa, and in 1855 in Red Wing, where the father followed his trade, retiring from active work some twenty years before his death, September 26, 1902. To Mr. and Mrs. Friedrich have been born three bright children: John ('. was born August 22, 1897; Edward H., July 15, 1901, and James K.. August 22, 1903. These boys all first saw the light of day in Red Wing. The family resides in a pleasant home at the corner of Seventh and Fast avenue, the residence being one of the most comfortable in the city. A democrat in polities, Mr. Friedrich has served in a number of important public capacities, was alderman two terms, member of the city cemetery board two terms and was mi the fire board for a similar period. His most distinguished public service has consisted in acting as chair- man, and a most active and interested member of tin 1 committees that have wrought for the city its three most important improve- ments. These three committees were: The citizens' committee that promoted the high bridge across the Mississippi; the joint committee of the lire board and city council that located and bnilt the present beautiful city hall, and the committee of the city council thai negotiated with tin' Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paid and consummated the Levee park ordina Mr. Fried- rich associates with the Masonic fraternity and attends the Epis- copal church. William Freeborn, one of the original proprietors and second mayor of the city of Red Wing, was born in Ohio, moved to Ful- ton county, HI., as a boy. and in territorial days located in St. Paid. His sister .Maria married Dr. AY. W. Sweney, and the two Families came to Red "Wing in 1852. He was a member of the territorial legislature. His generous policy made possible the city of Red Wing as it is today, and to this policy is also due Hie fact that such rivals of those days as Wacoota and Lake City were rapidly outdistanced as trading and shipping points. He and Dr. Sweney gave liberally of land for various enterprises and donated parcels for school, public and church purposes, the land thus donated today representing a value which would amount to several fortune^. An evidence of his generosity is found in Hancock's History of Goodhue County, where that ven- erable clergyman and pioneer says : ' ' The close of the year 1853 was made memorable by the fact that the entire community were invited by that generous, whole-souled town proprietor, William Freeborn, to partake of the annual Thanksgiving dinner at his house. With the exception of one or two persons, the invited guests were all present and had a grand social time. It was one of those occasions when the rich and the poor meet together and acknowledge God as the Maker of all, and the source from whence all blessings flow." In the early sixties, Mr. Freeborn