Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1189

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KISTORI OF GOODHUE COUNTS 1031 pany being Sherman & Richter. Three years Inter he purchased a farm in Bell Creek. In Red Wing he took up the grocery busi- ness. Later he removed his store to Third streel and the busi- ness is now managed by his son. Prank. Mr. Sherman was mar- ried October 29, 1856, to Delana Richter, daughter of John J. and Henrietta Richter, pioneers of Red Wing. To this union have been born six children: Frank. William. Fannie, Nellie, Gertrude and Leigh. The family attends the Presbyterian church. Mr. ShermaD died in 1909. Charles H. Meyers, county auditor, is a native born son of this county, having first seen the light of day at Red Wing, February 22, 1858. He received such education as the country schools of his district afforded and then attended the high school at Red Wine-. Being an ambitions youngster, he started work in the store of Henry Gross at Red Wing, while at an early age. Later he saw the necessity for a more thorough business education, and consequently entered the Bryant and Stratton business college at St. Paul. In the fall of 1882 he went to the Red River valley and conducted a general store until 1801. In 1892 he engaged in the shoe business on Third street in Red AVing. In 1901 he cast his lot in the political arena, after disposing of his shoe stock. He was a candidate for county auditor and the same year re- ceived an appointment as deputy city clerk. His services in this office deserved the election as city clerk' which he received in 1906. He was in charge of the duties of this office, when he re- signed to take the office of county auditor in January, 1909. He is also clerk of the school board, having served as a member of that body since 1898, three years of which time he was clerk, and two years president. His political platform is that of the Re- publican party, and his religious faith that of the Methodist Episcopal church. His fraternal affiliations include membership in the Odd Fellows, the Foresters, the Modern Samaritans and the' Knights of Pythias, in several of which he has held office. Mr. Meyers was married October 17, 1883, to Emily Schreiner, daughter of Rev. William Schreiner, a clergyman of the German Methodist church, at that time stationed at Ft. Dodge, Iowa. The mother died at Ft. Dodge in 1902 and the father is now liv- ing a retired life at Glad Brook, Iowa. To. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers have been born five children: Grace L. was born September 26, 1884; Leon ('.. born May 3, 1886, is city clerk of Red Wing; Amy L. is attending music school at Chicago; Milton W r allace was born April 3, 1892, and Leslie V. was born February 14, 1901. Hon. F. I. Johnson has a civic, military and political record of which any man might well be proud. He first demonstrated his ability in public office when he was elected county commissioner in 1875. In this position he served until 1880, when he resigned