Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1193

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HISTOKY OF GOODHUE ( nl'N TV 1035 suit continued the dexl spring to Big Bend on the Missouri river. On December 26, L862, Sergeanl Peterson was among the soldiers who witnessed the hanging of thirty-nine of the ringleaders of tlir murderous Sioux al Mankato. Afterward he was ;it Helena, Ark., as a part of the Sixteenth Army Corps, having been in the hospital several weeks. He was discharged May 1". L865. hi the spring of L865 he came to Vasa, where he and his brother-in- law had purchased a quarter see, ion of land. Today his farm is excelled by hut few in 1 he township, his well tilled acres and fine buildings being models of their kind. His first vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln, and since thai time has continued a con- sistent Republican, lie has been town clerk and justice of the peace as Avell as a school officer. In 1872 he was elected to the state senate and served two terms with distinction. In 1885 he was sent to the house of representatives, and in 1890 was again elected to a term in the senate. In addition to farming, he has been an auctioneer for forty years, there being few men in the state more gifted in this line than he. It is worthy of note that he recently celebrated his seventy-firsl birthday by holding an auction sale. For many years he was treasurer of the Swedish Lutheran church at Vasa, and as is mentioned in the history of the township which appears in this volume, took an active part in the collecting of the money to complete the splendid edi- fice now occupied by the congregation of that church. He has also been an active member in the G. A. R. John W. Peterson, in 1868, took as his life-partner, Carrie Johnson, daughter of Eric Johnson, of Vasa township. Five children have resulted from this union. Lizzie is the wife of William Tilderquist, a civil engineer. Arthur has been town clerk of Vasa for ten years. Edith lives at home. Elmer G. is a dentist in Duluth, this state, and Mollie married 0. F. PeQhl, who lives in Vasa. Mr. Peterson has 200 acres of land, upon which he carries on general farming and stock raising. Although past his three score and ten years, he is still in the prime of his activities, and is a fine type of the men of Swedish birth who, while honoring the traditions of their noble race, have become true American gentlemen in every sense of the word. Seber R. Greseth is a native born son of Roscoe, wdiere he still resides, having first seen the light of day September 7, 1871. He received his education in the district schools and finished with a short course in the Red Wing Seminary. He also studied elec- tricity for several months. In 1897 he worked for a time as a miller in Wisconsin. The greater part of his life, however, has been spent on the home farm, and for twenty-one years he has operated a threshing machine. In 1901 he took charge of the homestead, which he still manages carrying on general farming