Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1199

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COl'NTY 1039 state. His parents were believers in education, and while design- ing Dlysses for agricultural pursuits, gave him the besl oppor- tunities thai tlic schools of the county afforded and then sent him to the academics at Hamilton and Randolph, where he had several classmates who have since become prominent in New York affairs, lie came west in 1855 and on October 20 of that year, landed in Cannon Kails. Soon afterward he pre-empted land in Stanton township, but did not settle on it. Subsequently he located on the land he now occupies and where he carries on gen- eral farming and stockraising, using advanced methods in all his agricultural pursuits. In the early days he purchased land in Dakota county, but afterward disposed of this to his brother, who in return relinquished his interest in the home farm. For fourteen years, Mr. Tanner was town clerk of Cannon Falls town- ship, and has also occupied school office. He was married, July 14, 1871, to Anna Louisa Johnson, born in Sweden, June 10, 1836, who has proven an able* helpmate in all his undertaking's. Herman 0. Naeseth, manager of the Farmers' Elevator Com- pany, of AVanamingo. was born in the township of Wanamingo, March 9, 1879, son of Ole K. and Rachel Overby Naeseth. He received his education in the public schools of the township and completed his studies at the Lutheran College at Decorah, Iowa, graduating in 1902. He returned home and remained on the farm for one year, after which he taught school for a time. He then rented 137 acres of land and engaged in farming for him- self, and also raises stock, lie was married on August 31, 1904, to Maria Sevareid, daughter of Erick and Caroline Sevareid, na- tives of Norway and Sweden, respectively, who came to America and engaged in farming in AVanamingo township, where the father died. The mother is still living. Mr. and Airs. Naeseth have one son, Olaf Erick, born August 31, 1905. In February, 1909, Air. Naeseth was appointed postmaster of AVanamingo. He has been treasurer of the township for three terms and is now serving. He was appointed manager of the Farmers' Ele- vator Company in July, 1909. In politics he is Republican and attends the Norwegian Lutheran church. Thomas Robinson, one of the pioneers *of Roscoe township, was born in Yorkshire, England. August 5, 1830. He received his education in England and worked in the weaving factories in the winter and at stone masonry in the summer. Later in life he was married to Martha Jackson and emigrated to the United States in 1860, arriving at Red Wing in Alay. Hearing there was government land in Roscoe township he went there, and found a man by the name of Doyle (settled on forty acres of govern- ment land) who had just lost his wife and wished to sell. There was a frame house and a good spring of water on the place, which