Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1207

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EISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 10 11 came to America in 1852, lived three years in Iowa, and then located in Cannon Falls township, purchasing 160 acres in sec- tions 3 and 10. In 1881 they rented the farm to their son, John A., removed to Cannon Falls, and lived a retired life until the time of their decease. Henry McLain Johnson, overseer of the county poor farm in Burnside township, has won much praise from the citizens of this county for his capable management *of that institution. He serves well the interests of those who taxes support the place, and at the same time is considerate and gentle with the homeless and friendless who find in the almshouse that refuge which Providence has denied them elsewhere. Mr. Johnson was born in Frontenae. this county. September 5, 1S77. a son of Hans ami Gurine (Peterson) Johnson, who were the parents of nine chil- dren: Mary, John (deceased), Lesa, George, Henry, Maude, Elizabeth, Edith and Florence. The father and mother came from Norway in 1866 and soon afterward purchased a farm in Frontenae, where they raised their large family of children. The father died October 18, 1908. Henry M. received such education as the district schools afforded, and then took a short course in a business college. With his father as instructor, he thoroughly- mastered farming, and remained on the home place until 1893, when he was offered his present position. The poor farm consists of 164 acres, and here Mr. Johnson carries on general farming. Before taking county office, Mr. Johnson held several township positions in Frontenae. He is a Republican in politics and a popular member of the United Workmen. Albert and Alfred Olson, known as the Olson Brothers, have a Avell-cultivated farm of eighty acres, in Hay Creek township, about five and a half miles from the center of Red Wing. They have erected some good buildings, and carry on general farm- ing and stock raising. Being progressive young men, they are on the high road to prosperity and success. Both were born in Sweden, and in that country were educated. They came to this country and after a stay in Red Wing, they located on the place where they have since remained. Alfred is not married. Albert was married in 1895 to Annie Hanson, by whom he has four children: Walter, Karl, Agnes and Ernest. The Messrs. Olson both vote the Republican ticket, but have never cared to run for public office. Erick J. Helle" was born on the homestead in Holden town- ship, October 28, 1875, son of J. J. and Carrie (Trove) Helle. natives of Norway, who came to America and located in Wis- consin, later coming to Minnesota, locating at Cannon Falls, and subsequently at Holden, where they purchased 160 acres of bind. which the father improved, built a stone house and later a barn