Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1216

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1054 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY moving with his family to LaSalle, 111., in 1852, came to Belle Creek in 1851 with his father and mother and four brothers, and preempted 160 acres of land, which he cleared and broke. Later he purchased 160 acres more, and now earries on general farm- ing, raising the usual crops and breeding horses and stock. In 1865 he enlisted in the 53rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and served until the fall of that year under Captain A. A. Wood, holding the position of corporal. For several years previous to this he was captain of the Home Guards. Mr. Doyle was mar- ried, October, 1859, to Sarah E. Gilbert, also a native of Troy, X. Y., daughter of Lyman and Caroline (Gregg) Gilbert, the for- mer of whom was a railroad contractor who helped build one of the first railroads in America, called then the Camden & Amboy. He also had a contract on the Croton aquedud in New York City. They came west in 1850 and to Belle Creek in 1855, taking up a farm of 160 acres, on which they conducted general farming until the father's death in 1876. The mother died two years later. To Mr. and Mrs. Doyle have been born fourteen children: Indian is the wife of Henry O'Neill of Belle Creek township; Helen is the wife of Thomas B. Edward, of Idaho; Gilbert V. also lives in Idaho; Carrie L. is the wife of J. E. Ford, of Idaho: Charles is now a farmer, living in Belle Creek township; he was formerly employed as a railway mail clerk on the Northern Pa- cific; Edmund died in 1884; Henry lives in North Dakota; Jose- phine E. is the wife of -I. P. Pearson, of Goodhue; John V. lives in Washington; Vincenl C. lives in Idaho; Ambrose A. lives in St. Paul; Frederick IC lives at home: Ebba E. is the wife of Daniel O'Reilly, of Goodhue; Virginia l. is the wife of Jesse. Herrick, of Minneapolis. The family faith is that of the Catholic Church. Walter Doyle and his wife. Johanna, were natives of Ireland. The former came to America in 1829, landing at Montreal, Canada, where he remained three years lie next moved to Troy, N. Y., and engaged in teaming and draying until from there he moved to Montgomery county, and then took' his family to LaSalle, 111. He later came up the river and. July 18, 1854, landed in Red Wing with his wife, five sturdy sons and one daughter, Mary Ann, who died in February, 1874. He at once came to Belle Creek and preempted 160 acres of land, upon which he carried on general farming until his death in 1888. His wife died in 1877. Of the five sons of this union, four served in the Civil "War and one, Richard, furnished a substitute. Henry M. and John are now dead, Henry Mathias dying in 1893 and the latter being killed by lightning September 6, 1872; Richard died May 13, 1900; Michael and Walter, Jr., are still alive. The part taken by the Doyles in the upbuilding of the township and the names of some