Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/142

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100 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY presented, as follows : W. S. Combs, blank books, $23.85 ; Leman Bates, assessor, $6; John Day, assessor, $16; total, $45.85. The returns made by the assessors showed the assessed valuation of taxable property in the first and second districts to be $63,305. The estimated expenses of the county for the year 1851 were $551.09, and it Avas ordered that a tax of one per cent be raised on the assessment to meet the same. Charles Spates was ap- pointed road supervisor of road district Xo. 1, which extended east to the west side of Hay creek and embraced all the north- western portion of the county from that line. T. J. Smith was appointed supervisor of road district No. 2, which extended from the west side of Hay creek to Bullard's creek, embracing the middle portion of the county. ( 'harles Reed was appointed super- visor of road district No. 3. embracing all the southern portion of the county from the line of Bullard's creek. William Free- born. P. Sandford and Leman Bates were appointed judges of election in the Red Wing precinct, and Al'exis Bailey, Charles Reed and F. S. Richardson in the Wabasha precind. Wibasha having attached to this county for judicial purposes. The following resolution was passed : Resolved, To raise $600 toward the erection of county buildings next year; Provided, that the legal voters of the county, by a majority of votes con- sent to the same. The location of the court house was discussed at some length, and the subject finally laid over until the fol- lowing meeting. At the next meeting, held July 22. the following resolution was passed: Resolved, That the court house for Good- hue county be located on the block marked and known as " Court House Block" on the town plat of Red Wing, according to the survey of the same made by J. Knauer, June 23, 1853. The next meeting was held November 18, and the consideration of bills against the county was taken up. Bills were allowed to the amount of $84.60, and sheriff and justice fees to the amount of $84.60 were ordered paid. At the closing session, in December, the amount of $61 additional was allowed, making the total expenses of the county for the year $336.90. On the second Tuesday in October, 1854, the people elected a full board of county officers : Commissioners, Rezin Spates, A. W. Post, P. S. Fish ; sheriff, Harry C. Hoffman ; treasurer, M. Sorin ; district attorney, P. Sandford ; judge of probate, A. D. Shaw; county surveyor, S. A. Hart; clerk of the court, P. San- ford ; register of deeds, J. W. Hancock. The first meeting of the regularly elected board of county commissioners was held Jan- uary 1, 1855. No business was transacted at this meeting. The members simply subscribed to the oath of office and elected P. S. Fish as chairman. At their second meeting, held January .8, the board examined and approved the following accounts: